02 6456 7087 or 0411 355 897

June is Acne Awareness Month, and at Alpine Beginnings Beauty it’s all about discovering the different ways to treat acne, both at home and in the Salon, clarifying your skin and keeping it healthy.

Acne is a disease that affects the skin’s oil glands. Pimples, as well as blackheads, are symptoms of acne. They form when the pores or follicles in your skin become blocked, preventing the movement of your body’s natural, cleansing oils (sebum). The blockage, involving the hair follicle, sebum and dead skin cells, is an excellent site for bacteria to grow, leading to infection and inflammation.

Acne can range from very mild (mostly blackheads) to severe cystic acne. Cystic acne can be very painful, and may result in significant facial scarring.

Whilst people of any age may be susceptible to acne, it is most common in Teens. During puberty, the body reacts to changing hormone levels by going into sebum-production overdrive. Too much of a good thing can cause congestion along the hair shaft, leading to blocked pores, pimples and acne.

Acne treatment at Alpine Beginnings

At Alpine Beginnings Beauty, I have developed a specialised routine for treating acne-prone skin, with amazing success. The photo here shows the fantastic results I have achieved with one of my clients, with a profound difference in the before and after condition of her skin. For this client, I used a combination of in-Salon treatments, including peels, microdermabrasion and LED light therapy, as well as a tailored home-care program. In this case I recommended a combination of the La Clinica Clear Skin products to help control bacteria and congestion, and La Clinica GlyC, to help reduce scarring and pigmentation.

For each client, I tailor a skin treatment program specifically for their needs and skin type. The results speak for themselves!



These days there are some fantastic skin treatments available and being aware of the alternatives can be important. Prescription acne medication is not for everyone as it can cause a number of alarming side-effects including depression, weight gain, drying of all skin membranes, and may even cause birth defects in pregnant women. At Alpine Beginnings Beauty, I have shown that a combination of regular salon treatments, LED light therapy and organic cosmeceutical products can be enormously effective, and can be tailored to each individual’s needs.

In honour of Acne Awareness Month, I am offering a special Acne Treatment Package. This includes:


  • initial consultation and tailored treatment plan,
  • 2x acne treatment facials,
  • take home care La Clinica clear skin pack (contains 4 products) and
  • SPF 50

The total value of this special package is $240, but for the month of June only, I am offering the complete package for only $160. The offer ends June 30, 2017.

To book your initial consultation and start your journey towards acne-free skin, call now on 0411 355 897 or email me on elisa@alpinebeginningsbeauty.com.au

Much love

Elisa xx